“Halter’s ingenuity continues to place him head and shoulders above any other contemporary puzzle mystery author.”
Publishers Weekly starred review

The wealthy owner of Black House, who has made a surprise return after being reported dead during and expedition to the Amazonian jungle in search of rare spiders, is found shot dead inside a locked room under observation, in which the only working window is covered by an unbroken spider’s web. Assumed at first to be suicide, the forensic evidence categorically rules that out. It was murder, but how could the culprit have exited through the window whilst leaving the web and its creator undisturbed? And why was a model of Gulliver tied down by Lilliputians found locked inside a chest of drawers in the room?

Leave it to the irascible Inspector Hurst and the wily Dr. Alan Twist to solve the baffling puzzle and unmask the unlikely villain.

Originally Published Original Language Translated
2001 French 2021 by John Pugmire

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