The detective team of Dr. Alan Twist and Inspector Archibald Hurst receive a tip that the murderer known as the “Suitcase Killer” — who has been leaving dismembered bodies in suitcases in London’s railway stations — resides in Leadenham, a sleepy village twenty miles from the capital. Another resident, a retired major of the Indian Army, claims he can summon an evil genie by rubbing an artifact known as ‘The Tiger’s Head’. He and a doubter stay alone in a room where every door and window are locked from the inside and guarded by a witness; subsequently, the major is found dead and the doubter unconscious from wounds which could not have been self-inflicted. Could the serial killer be an evil genie? Or is it possible that two murderers, each with the apparent ability to vanish at will, inhabit the same small village?

Originally Published Original Language Translated
1991 French 2013 by John Pugmire


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