Price reductions on three books

Dear Readers,
To celebrate the New Year,I am announcing the following price reductions:

Death Out of Nowhere and The Gold Watch from $19.99 to $15.99 (tpb) and from $9.99 to $7.99 (ebk)
Locked Room Murders Supplement from $24.99 to $19.99 (tpb). Not available as ebook.

I wish you a Happy and Prosperous 2022, however unlikely that may sound right now.


Death Among the Undead “close to perfect”

The Moonlight Detective cannot contain his enthusiasm:
“… purely as a traditional, plot-driven mystery novel, ‘Death Among the Undead’ can stand with the best of its kind, past and present
… close to perfect as a hybrid-mystery novel… My best and favorite read of 2021!”

On a more prosaic note, there will be a short unavailability of the tpd while I publish a small update.

John P.