The Intermittent LRI Blog

EQMM Blog: The Locked Room Mystery

As readers will know, EQMM invites contributors to write a blog entry on their chosen topic. I wrote about Honkaku and my co-publisher of Locked Room Murders and the forthcoming Locked Room Murders supplement, Brian Skupin, chose (what else?) The Locked Room Mystery. In her introduction, the editrix Janet Hutchings mentioned my contribution, which, for the record, is 30 stories and counting…

“EQMM and the Locked Room Mystery” (by Brian Skupin)

A great review of Halter’s The Gold Watch

Over at Moonlight Detective/Beneath the Stains of Time, a really terrific review:

‘a fascinating, time-shattering detective story with an excellently positioned and executed impossible crime, but even more impressive is how beautiful all the plot-strands, decades apart, interacted and were pulled together – proving that murder can be a fine art. Highly recommended!’